Tuesday, September 11, 2012

If Adam had not been given  a free will to choose, there would be no choice as to whether one would follow God's ways. Some of the biggest cases of mistaken identity are among intellectuals who have trouble remembering that they are not God. Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to do- gooders who want to be God. No society ever thrived because it had a large and growing societies parasites living off those who produce. It is so easy to be God—and to persist in being wrong—when the costs of being wrong are paid by others. You can't stop elite state-est from saying bad things about you. All you can do is expose their lies.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Freedom or Hope and Change

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the Head of the U.S Delegation at the United Nations Sustainable Conference in Rio de Janeiro is considering a proposals that would levy a $1300 taxes on American families and energy industries in order to support international efforts to combat global warming, according to a draft agenda for the conference.

President Obama has adopted similar policy positions in his discussions of energy and tax policy over recent months. “I am writing to urge you to take immediate action to eliminate unwarranted tax breaks for the oil and gas industry, and to use those dollars to invest in clean energy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil,” Obama said in an April 26 letter to top-ranking members of the House and Senate.

Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the United States first-fixated groups and flag waving individuals in our society.... This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21 [Local Agenda 21]. So, we call our processes something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.

The establishment of Clinton's President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) started a pattern of denial by federal government agencies regarding any connection with the United Nations Agenda 21. Even though the PCSD was clearly established in 1993 in support of the UN's Agenda 21 and its Sustainable Development proposals from the UN's '92 Earth Summit in Rio, the PCSD's statements and documents never referred to the UN and Agenda 21.

We have evidence that federal officials were taking pains to make the PCSD appear to be completely separate from the UN's Agenda 21 because J. Gary Lawrence, an ad visor to the PCSD, said the following in 1998:

The United Nations’ (UN) current plan to discuss a treaty proposal granting more rights to “mother earth” than humans is nothing more than an elaborate attempt to re-market the UN Agenda 21 one-world government climate change program in a neatly wrapped package called “environmental justice.”

All bug-stomping fly swatting humans beware: The Morales’ Do-Goobers proposal does not stop at financial compensation but goes a step further to execute judgment upon the guilty by organizing a “tribunal for climate environmental justice.”

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why the debt deal is bad news

Why the debt deal is bad newsMonday, Aug 1, 2011 at 10:29 AM EDT

This special commentary originally appeared at The Blaze. Sign up for Firewire, the daily newsletter for The Blaze, for more breaking news and special commentary delivered to your inbox every day!

Don’t be fooled. We’ve just been betrayed by Washington.

A deal on the debt ceiling is near and Washington still hasn’t gotten serious about the fundamentals. It hasn’t gotten serious about default. It certainly hasn’t gotten serious about the future. When Harry Reid hails a “bipartisan compromise” you know we’re doomed.

Republicans and Democrats have just negotiated away the future of our children behind closed doors. The big compromise on Capitol Hill features elaborate triggers, tranches, Hornswogglers, Snozzwangers, Super Duper Commissions that will make the Snozzberries taste like Snozeberries, and a whole bunch of other convoluted gibberish that will, no doubt, come with loopholes and create entire new bureaucracies. What it doesn’t do is fix the problem.

The fact is Moody’s has already warned us that no one has put a plan on the table that comes close to solving our long-term problem. Moody’s will downgrade us. This could happen tomorrow, in six months or maybe a year from now, but at some point in the near future it’s
going to happen. And it’s going to hurt. So we must be prepared.

Imagine your credit card’s interest rates constantly rising. Imagine high inflation eating away at your savings accounts, retirement funds and salary — if you’re lucky enough to have one these days. Imagine the interest rate on your mortgage rising and compounding until there was no hope of escaping debt. Imagine that fewer and fewer people are willing to lend you any money as your credit rating takes a dive.

Now imagine we’re talking about 15, 25, 100 trillion dollars and your Medicare, Social Security and Treasury bonds.

AdvertisementThose tanks and missiles Republicans say we need? No more. Those food stamps and green-energy boondoggles Democrats say we can’t live without? Forget it. We won’t be able to afford them. It won’t matter how many prime time speeches the president gives or how dangerous the
world gets. The unsustainable cost of irresponsible governance mean everyone loses.

And by everyone, I mean the whole world.

Remember the saying: as Greece goes so goes the world? The United States economy constitutes around 25 percent of the world’s GDP. What happens to global economy when we default? Everyone will feel it. After all, who’s going to send billions in weapons to Egypt’s military regime to help it quell the “democratic” Arab street when we can’t even pay the janitors at the IRS office space?

So what is the point of all the drama in Washington? As best as I can tell most politicians are scared stiff that they might have to have a substantive debate about the debt ceiling during the election season. Other than that, we’re back where we started.

For one, any promise of future cuts is as about as rock solid as a politician’s word. Experience has taught us every year some “unprecedented” emergency will require us to spend hundreds of
billions, if not trillions, we don’t have to “fix.” Mark my words, the war (I’m sorry … “kinetic military action”) that no one even understands in Libya will expand and then all the promises forgotten.

It’s true that seven or eight months ago Democrats were still saying we needed another stimulus package and calling for new spending. Now, we’re not just talking about whether to cut but about how much to cut. And it’s great news that Washington has made significant progress in moving the Balanced Budget Amendment — the only real and lasting solution to this crisis. Nevertheless, the fact remains that this deal raises the debt limit by about $2.5 trillion dollars without making substantial and immediate cuts.

Congressman Jason Chaffetz, in fact, explained that the first year of spending cut is $7 billion and when you consider that we deficit spend $4 billion a day, the real savings in the first year of this deal covers only two days of spending.

Promises mean nothing in Washington. We need genuine, transformational reform and real spending cuts today, not a strategic Republican victory. The time for political expediency is over.

Isn’t it curious that when Democrats wanted to push through a $1 trillion stimulus plan that enriched every social engineering project in the country they got it done? Isn’t it amazing that Democrats had the willpower to ram through health unpopular Obamacare which changed
our entire health care system without any compromise whatsoever?

Why can’t Republicans find a similar backbone? Why can’t they fight for the people who elected them? Are you telling me they can’t find significant waste and fraud in the Federal government right now?

The answer is simple.

You cannot spend more than you earn. You cannot run up the largest credit card bill in human history. You want more revenue? Stop chasing income earners overseas by threatening them with higher taxes, stop inflating their energy costs and stop punishing them with never-ending regulations. Mr President, put down your socialist mop! Stop with the Cloward and Piven floor wax.

And then balance the budget, cut back the spending and reform entitlements.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Who are the bad guys?

The conservatives see the President and democrats behavior as misguided destructive progressives in name only. Any debt-ceiling-plan, which, if it does not include spending cuts will cause the deficit to explode, interest rates will skyrocket, the cost of commodities and gas will double (inflation) and monitory tax will be demanded by the President and the progressives.

The bottom line is that the President and gang of progressives want to fundamentally change our country to a Marxist tyrannical country by killing the economy, make laws with out any debate and creating a country where we have no representation or hand in our life, liberty, happiness or decision making. They want to tell us what to eat, drink, see, hear, and say. Inflation hurts the pour and personal economical recovery.

Certain freedom fighters whose names you'll want to remember in 2012 elections are being marginalized by progressive media personalities like Don Lemon, and Kathleen Parker. Those being demonized include, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann; Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, head of the Republican Study Committee; Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint, among others they are trying to appear evil or threatening in the eyes of others, including Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips and Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin and Mark Meckler. Grassroots freedom loving American who have organized to save the country from a progressive Marxist take over. Local patriots formed and joined originations like FreedomWorks, Heritage Action, Club for Growth, National Taxpayers Union, Americans for Prosperity, and Tea Party Patriots to work together for our freedom.

Meanwhile, freshman congressmen have been targeted and pressured by "elite progressive press" and "inside the Beltway elite" to vote for Boehner's plan.
While Patriot Sarah Palin's Facebook page, reminded the freshmen class about contested primaries and urged them to "remember us grassroots 'little people' who believed in them, donated to their campaigns, spent hours tirelessly volunteering for them, and trusted them with our votes." Her page concluded with grassroots sentiments "P.S. Everyone I talk to still believes in contested primaries."

The more we the people find out what Obama and the progressives are up to the more we the voters see how mistaken we were to think Obama had our best interest at hart and used abusive power to push his agenda that was counter our wishes. The progressive say they want a balance budget, but they will not vote for "Cut, Cap and a Balanced budget"


Monday, June 27, 2011

God can not sin

At one time a Godly mans word was his bond. A compliment to God. But today men have no fear to call even God a liar. When a man says there will no charge and then when his work is complete he hands you a bill for what he said would be no charge at the same time he's tells you he's a Christian he is calling God a Liar?

Heaven is My throne and earth is My footstool. Where is the house you will build for Me? And where is the place of My rest? For all those things My hand has made and all those things exist”, says Yahweh. “But on this one will I look. On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word“.

Isaiah 66:1-2

Even some preachers with straight face and pious demeanour will declare to our face, God is either wrong or deceptive.

The surprising reaction of many who claim to be followers of the God of all truth is to applaude the words of God’s accusers.

But Yahweh says what He means and means what He says and despite the bleatings of some it is not mean of Him to do so.

God’s word is His bond.

Some of the lodgers in God’s house are so ignorant of the covenant promises of the covenant keeping God they don’t recognise the lies of those who call God a liar. They are easy prey for praying predators. When the members of God’s household utter a word of warning they are slandered libelled and called that worse of epithets; “divisive” Well as a watchman from another time said. “Tis better to be divided by truth than united with error” (Martin Luther).

Even some preachers with straight face and pious demeanour will declare to our face, God is either wrong or deceptive.

The surprising reaction of many who claim to be followers of the God of all truth is to applaude the words of God’s accusers.

But Yahweh says what He means and means what He says and despite the bleatings of some it is not mean of Him to do so.

God’s word is His bond.

Some of the lodgers in God’s house are so ignorant of the covenant promises of the covenant keeping God they don’t recognise the lies of those who call God a liar. They are easy prey for praying predators. When the members of God’s household utter a word of warning they are slandered libelled and called that worse of epithets; “divisive” Well as a watchman from another time said. “Tis better to be divided by truth than united with error” (Martin Luther).

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Last Chance for Freedom

A recent Newsmax's Donald Trump presidential pole shows republican progressives leading. 73% of the vote went to Republican progressives. Are we going to vote again for someone who says all the right things, sounds good, but in the long run is just another progressive? No matter weather they are Democrats or Republicans a progressive will lead us in the wrong direction.
Come on, don't be fooled by what they say. Look at the whole package. Find who they really are. Trump has dealings with George Soros. Huckabee likes big government, wants to legalize illegal's and have the government tell what we can feed our kids.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No More Short-Term Budget

March 14, 2011
Obama, Politics, Senate, News, Democrats, Budget, CR, Senator Marco Rubio, Washington Budgetby MB Snow
.No More Short-Term Budget CR’s
Posted by Sen. Marco Rubio

Monday, March 14th

“Washington politicians of both parties scrambling to put together two and three week plans to keep funding the government, while not fundamentally changing the behavior that has gotten us into this mess to begin with.”

Our country faces a brutal reality: for far too long, the federal government has been recklessly spending money it does not have. It is the reason we now have a $14 trillion debt that threatens to bankrupt our country and why, each day, our government borrows $4 billion – almost half from foreigners and most of that from China.

Despite the seriousness of this debt crisis, an absurd pattern has clearly developed in Washington. Last year, when they still controlled the House, Senate and White House, the Democrats failed to pass a budget at all. In the first two months of this year, Senate Democrat leaders have spent invaluable time not on tackling the debt but on re-authorizing the F.A.A. and reforming the patent system. Their only attempt at addressing our debt was a plan to cut $4.7 billion in spending, which only equals what our government borrows approximately every 30 hours alone.

Democrats’ unwillingness to engage on this issue is leading us closer to a catastrophic debt spiral that will irreversibly damage our government, our economy and ultimately our country.

The absurdity of what we have witnessed on the Senate floor is only eclipsed by the lack of leadership demonstrated by the White House, and a President who has been absent from this debate and even sent his lead negotiator on a five-day foreign trip.